July 13, 2022, 11:23
Academic papers
Spreading Peace and Democracy: The Russian Case
December 21, 2011
A version of this article appears in International Journal 67.1 (Winter 2011), pp169+.
February 01, 2009
Aparna Rao, Michael Bollig, and Monika Böck (Eds.) The Practice of War: Production, Reproduction and Communication of Armed Violence. New York: Berghahn Books, 2007, 399 p. + index. Reviewed in Canadian Review of Sociology (2009) [more...]
Getting Personal about Climate Change
July 01, 2008
in Energy Security & Climate Change: A Canadian Primer. Cy Gonick, ed. (BlackPoint, Nova Scotia: Fernwood Publishing, 2008), pp 118-127. [more...]
July 01, 2007
in Media Development, Vol. LIV (3/2007). [more...]
April 01, 2001
From Encyclopedia of Nationalism, Vol.1. 2001: Academic Press. [more...]
Sociological Studies, Overview
April 01, 1999
From Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict, Vol. 3. 1999: Academic Press. [more...]
Appreciating and Enhancing the Polish Oasis: The best of European Agriculture
December 01, 1998
From Small Farmer's Journal, Winter 1998, Vol.22, No.1. [more...]
April 01, 1998
Chapter 7 of Separatism: Democracy and Disintegration (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998) [more...]
April 01, 1998
Chapter 1 of Separatism: Democracy and Disintegration (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998) [more...]
Separatism, Democracy and Disintegration: Introduction
April 01, 1998
Introduction to Separatism: Democracy and Disintegration (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998) [more...]
The Partition of Czechoslovakia
April 01, 1998
Chapter 8 of Separatism: Democracy and Disintegration (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998) [more...]
April 01, 1997
from Women in Post-Communism, Volume II in Research on Russia and Eastern Europe, JAI Press (Greenwich, Conn.), 1997. [more...]
April 01, 1996
for Encyclopedia of Democracy (1996) [more...]
July 01, 1995
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol.51,No.4 (Jul/Aug 1995); 62-68. [more...]
How to Enhance Democracy and Discourage Secession
July 01, 1994
From World Security: the New Challenge, Carl Jacobsen et. al, editors for Pugwash and Science for Peace. Toronto: Dundurn, 1994. [more...]
April 01, 1994
In Gender and the Academic Experience: Berkeley Women 1952-72 Kay Meadow Orlans and Ruth Wallace (eds.) (University of Nebraska Press, 1994). [more...]
July 01, 1992
Seymour Martin Lipset, Continental divide: The values and institutions of the United States and Canada. New York and London: Routledge, 1990.
Reviewed in Theory and Society 21:610-618, 1992.
Anti-War Hawks and Pro-War Doves
April 01, 1992
Peace and Change, Vol.17,No.2 (April 1992); 172-197. [more...]
The Soviet Peace Movement at the Time of the Coup
August 25, 1991
Presented in War and Peace Section, American Sociological Association convention, Cincinnati OH, August 25, 1991. [more...]
Politics Beyond Turf: Grass-Roots Democracy in the Helsinki Process
July 01, 1991
Published in Bulletin of Peace Proposals, Vol. 22(4), 427-435 (1991). [more...]
May 01, 1991
From Peter Harries-Jones ed. Making Knowledge Count: Advocacy and Social Science. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1991. [more...]
Finding Your Curriculum in Unlikely Places
August 01, 1987
Peace in Action Vol. 3, No. 2, August 1987, pp 7-11. Reprinted from Proceedings of Inter-University Workshop on Peace Education. [more...]
Therapy and Eastern Religion: A Study in Cultural Evolution
October 01, 1982
Association for the Study of Religion, Providence R.I.
Eros and Responsibility: Freudian and Sociological Perspectives
May 01, 1977
Presented to the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association meetings in Fredericton, 1977 [more...]
July 01, 1972
in: The Student Revolution Philip Altbach, ed. (Bombay: Lalvani, 1972). [more...]
Political Behavior of University Students in India
June 01, 1969
A thesis submitted as partial requirement for the degree Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Sociology, University of California, June 1969. [more...]
July 01, 1968
Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 6 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts: July 1968. [more...]
Order, Authority, and the Sociological Paradigm
December 01, 1967
Center for International Affairs, Harvard University: December 1967. [more...]
Professional, Scientific, and Intellectual Students in India
June 01, 1966
Comparative Education Review, Vol.10, No.2. [more...]
December 01, 1964
1964. [more...]